Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 83 NASOGASTRIC TUBE REMOVAL PURPOSE: Registered Nurses who have successfully completed the required credentialing may remove nasogastric tubes to ensure removal in a safe manner and prevent trauma or discomfort to the patient. Tubes will be removed upon receipt of a physician's order. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: RN with documented credentialing EOUIPMENT: • Gloves • Tissues • Bag for tube • Towel and washcloth • Clamp, rubber band or plug for tube • Soap and water PROCEDURE: 1. Wash hands. Put on gloves. 2. Schedule removal well after feeding. Explain procedure to patient, and position him or her upright. 3. Clamp or stopper tube firmly. 4. Loosen tape anchoring tube. 5. Remove tube gently but swiftly. 6. Dispose of tube in patient’s trash after bagging. 7. Provide tissues or assist patient with nostril care. 8. Wash face with soap and water. Dry thoroughly. 9. Store supplies 10. Remove gloves. Wash hands. DOCUMENTATION: Document date of tube removal, observations and patient tolerance on the Clinical Visit Note. Follow-up with the physician as needed. ____________________________________________________