Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 96 PULSE PURPOSE: A pulse is taken on all patients as indicated to assess the rate of cardiac compressions and to establish a baseline of data so that changes significant to the patient's condition may be reported to medical personnel. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: RN, LPN, HHA, REHAB THERAPISTS EOUIPMENT: Watch with second hand SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The location of the pulse will depend on the individual patient's condition. An apical pulse is indicated for children less than 2 years old. PROCEDURE: 1. Wash hands. 2. Explain procedure to patient. 3. Location of pulse: For Radial Pulse: a. Place the patient's arm at his side or across trunk with the wrist extended and palm of hand turned upward. b. Place 1st, 2nd fingers along the radial artery at the wrist. For Femoral Pulse: a. Place patient in supine position. b. Expose groin area. Place 1st, 2nd fingers firmly down along groin area. c. Since this pulse is frequently taken to assess quality of circulation to the lower extremities, the color and temperature of both lower extremities should be noted in addition to the pulse. For Carotid Pulse: a. Expose the side of the neck below the ear lobe. May use stethoscope to auscultate the carotid artery before palpating. b. Gently slide two to three fingers into the groove in the side of the neck and press down lightly. For Apical Pulse: a. Position the patient to comfortable position. b. Place stethoscope on the left chest wall about three inches to the left of the sternum and slightly below the nipple (between the 4th, 5th and 6th ribs).