Emergency Plan Manual

6 Hurricane Names When the winds from these storms reach 39 mph (34 Kts), the cyclones are given names. Years ago, an International committee developed names for Atlantic cyclones (The History of Naming Hurricanes). In 1979 as six year rotating list of Atlantic storms names was adopted _ alternating between male and female hurricane names. Storm names are used to facilitate geographic referencing, for warming services, for legal issues, and to reduce confusion when two or more tropical cyclones occur at the same time. Through a vote of the World Meteorological Organization Region IV Subcommittee, Atlantic cyclone names are retired usually when hurricanes result in substantial damage or death or for other special circumstances. RELATED WEB SITES * FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS * COMET HURRICANE TRACK SIMULATION * FERMA’s HURRICANES FOR KIDS ADDITIONAL SAFETY INFORMATION Basic Hurricane Safety Actions * Know if you live in an evacuation area. Know your home’s vulnerability to storm surge, flooding and wind . Have a written plan based on this knowledge. * At the beginning of hurricane season (June 1 st ), check the supplies for your disaster supply kit, replace batteries and use food stocks on a rotating basis. * During hurricane season, monitor the tropics. * Monitor NOAA Weather Radio. It is an excellent / official source for real-time weather information and warnings. * If storm threatens, heed the advice from local authorities. Evacuate if ordered. * Execute your family plan. WATCH vs WARNING - KNOW THE DIFFERENCE * A HURRICANE WATCH issued for your part of the coast indicates the possibility that you could experience hurricane conditions within 36 hours. This watch should trigger your family’s disaster plan, and protective measures should be initiated, especially those actions that require extra time such as securing a boat, leaving a barrier island, etc. * A HURRICANE WARNING issued for your part of the coast indicates that sustained winds of t least 74 mph are expected within 24 hours or less. Once this warning has been issued, your family should be in the process of completing protective actions and deciding the safest location to be during the storm.