Emergency Plan Manual

10 HOME INVENTORY TIPS Before a hurricane or other disaster strikes, take a photo inventory of your home that you can give to insurance adjusters or disaster assistance agencies. Photographs will make it easier for your claims adjuster to make an assessment of what you may have lost due to a disaster.. Check with your insurance adjuster to see what they would prefer, photos or video. * Take the photos, make extra copies to give and keep one for your self. * Store the photos, in a secure place that you can retrieve them after the storm. * Take the “before” pictures of your home’s exterior structure. * Focus on your personal property first. Claims for clothes, electronics, etc. are harder to make if they have been damaged or destroyed. Couple the pictures with warranties and receipts. Some of the example images are shown on the side with their descriptions as below. Fig (a)-Kitchen. Make sure one photo includes all your appliances (Especially the coffee makers!!) Fig (b)-Valuables: If you have items that have some monetary as well as sentimental value (such as autographed pictures) make sure you have photos of them as well. Add those to proofs of purchase or authenticity. Note also the telephone too. Fig © & (d)-Books & Furniture: Books, CDs, lamps, furniture, and special items should also be displayed so you have an accurate record of the contents of your home.