Emergency Plan Manual

18 After * If you are trapped in debris - use a flashlight. Cover your mouth with a piece of cloth. Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if available and shout as a last resort _ shouting can result in inhalation of dangerous amounts of dust. *Assisting victims - untrained persons should not attempt to rescue people in a collapsed building. Wait for emergency personnel to arrive. * Chemical Agent - authorities will instruct you to either seek shelter and seal the premises or evacuate immediately. What Your Community Can Do? In a disaster our best untapped resource is you and me. You can become a part of a Community Emergency Response Team. This team is a local or neighborhood group that receives special training to enhance their ability to recognize, respond to and recover from a major emergency or disaster situation. Family Emergency Phone Numbers * 911 * Out-of-town Family Contact * Schools * Work * Neighborhoods * County Emergency Management * PUT THESE NUMBERS ON YOUR REFRIGERATOR AND IN YOUR WALLET OR PURSE. What Actions Should You Take To Be Prepared? Talk to your family. Discuss the potential hazards and threats. Develop your Family Disaster Plan to include rally points and have a third party as a common contact. Practice your plan. Terrorism does not mean you have to change your life. You only need yo BE PREPARED.