Emergency Plan Manual

19 How Should Florida Prepare for Terrorism FIGHT Florida Initiative Against Homeland Terrorism Blueprint for Family Safety Checklist Unlike with a Hurricane or a Flood there will likely be NO WARNING for a terrorist a attack. Families need to know what to do to locate each other in a disaster A FAMILY DISASTER PLAN Family Disaster Planning Determine escape routes from your home and places to meet including a child school Have an out of state friend or relative a family contact o family members has. Make a plan now for what to do with your pets if you need to evacuate. Post emergency telephone numbers by your telephones on the refrigerator in your wallet. Stock nonperishable emergency supplies and a disaster supply kit. Set up a safe room or improvised shelter in an upstairs room as nerve gas and other supplies. Disaster Supply Kit WATER at least one gallon per person per day for there days. FOOD a three to seven day supply. BLANKETS, PILLOWS etc. CLOTHING FIRST AID KIT MEDICINES SPECIAL ITEMS FOR BABIES OR THE ELDERLY TOILETTRIES MOISTURE WIPES FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES RADIO Battery operated and NOAA weather radio CASH Banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods EXTRA SET OF KEYS TOYS BOOKS GAMES IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS TOOLS VEHICLES WITH FULL GAS TANKS PET CARE ITEMS DUCT TAPE AND PLASTIC SHEETING