Emergency Plan Manual

20 Cut and save for the refrigerator and one for your wallet. EMERGENCY CONTACTS 911 MEETING PLACES OUT OF STATE CONTACT NAME TELEPHONE NUMBERS E MAIL Download Free Copies at www floridadisaster org or www flash org or call the toll free. In the Event of a Terrorist Incident Explosion Leave premises as quickly and calmly as possible if. If items are falling from above see. If you are trapped in debris cover your mouth with a piece of cloth tap on a pipe or assisting victims untrained persons should not attempt to rescue people in a collaps. Fire Stay low to the floor and exit as quickly as possible. Cover nose and mouth with a wet cloth. If door is not do open it seek an alternate escape route. Stay below the smoke at all times Biochemical agents Authorities will instruct you to either seek shelter and seal the premises or evacuation. Mail handling Suspicious Packages Leave suspicious letters or packages alone. Do not touch or move the items. Leave the vicinity immediately. Contact local law enforcement agency Immediately collect contact information of all individuals that may have been expose. All individuals who open or have contact with suspicious items should thoroughly washed Local law enforcement agencies will notify the health department to conduct the test. Results of the test will be available in time to determine what if any treatment should needed. The Treat of terrorism does not mean you have to change your life.