Emergency Plan Manual

22 FLORIDA STORM WATCH TORNADOES When is Florida’s Tornado Season? Florida has two Tornado Seasons . * The Summer Season, from June until September has the highest frequencies wit usual intensities of F0 or F1 on the Fujita Scale. This includes those tornadoes that form from landfalling Tropical Cyclones. Fujita Scale F0 GALE < 72 mph F1 MODERATE 73 to 112 mph F2 SIGNIFICANT 113 to 157 mph F3 SEVERE 158 to 206 mph F4 DEVASTATING 207 to 260 mph F5 INCREDIBLE > 260 mph * The Deadly Spring Season, from February through April is characterized by more powerful tornadoes because of the presence of the jet stream. When the jet stream digs south into Florida and is accompanied by a strong clod front and a strong squall line of thunderstorms, the jet stream’s high level winds of 100 to 200 mph often strengthen a thunderstorm into what meteorologist call a supercell or mesocyclone. These powerful storms can move at speeds of 30 to 50 mph, produce dangerous downburst winds, large hall and the most deadly tornadoes. The Fujita scale (F-scale) uses observed damage to determine a tornado’s wind speed. F0 - GALE Some damage to chimneys. Tree branches broken off. < 72 mph Shallow rooted trees uprooted. F1 - MODERATE Peels surface off roofs. Mobile homes overturned. Moving 73 to 112 mph autos pushed off roads. F2 - SIGNIFICANT Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses. 113 to 157 mph Large trees snapped or uprooted. Light-object missiles. Generated. F3 - SEVERE Severe damage. Roofs and some walls torn off well 158 to 206 mph constructed homes. Trains overturned. Must trees in forest uprooted. Heavy cars lifted off ground and thrown.