Emergency Plan Manual

23 F4 - DEVASTATING Well-constructed houses leveled. Structures with weak 207 to 260 mph foundations blown off some distance. Cars thrown and large missiles generated. F5 - INCREDIBLE Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and desintegrated. > 260 mph Automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 mph. Trees debarked.. What Time Are Florida’s Tornadoes Likely to Strike? Florida tornado climatology shows us that strong to violent tornadoes are just as likely to occur after midnight as they are in the afternoon. This unique feature makes these tornadoes more dangerous, because most people are asleep after midnight and cannot receive weather warnings relayed by commercial radio or television stations. The solution to this is to have a NOAA Weather Radio in your home with a tone alert feature. This will allow you to receive warnings issued by your local National Weather Service office. Where Can You Go Up-To-Date Info? * Day 2 Convective Outlook - Issued twice a day to outline the areas where severe thunderstorms may develop and qualifies the degree of risk ( i.e. SLGT, MDT, and HIGH risk areas). * Day 1 Convective Outlook - Issued 5 times daily to outline the areas where severe thunderstorms may develop and qualifies the degree of risk (i.e. SLGT, MDT, and HIGH risk areas. * Hazardous Weather Outlook - Issued daily by local NWS office to advise storm spotters and emergency managers of potentially hazardous weather and other hazards. * Tornado Watch - Issued to alert the public that conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and close to the watch area. These watches are issued with information concerning the watch area and the length of time they are in effect. * Short Term Forecast - Issued as a 1-2 hour forecast of local weather conditions; emphasizing hazardous weather. * Tornado Warning - Issued by local NWS offices to warn the public that a tornado has been indicated by radar. These warnings are issued with information concerning where the tornado is presently located and what communities are in the anticipated path of the tornado. What Actions Should Take To Be Prepared? * Build or identify a Safe-Room in your home. * Purchase and use a NOAA Weather Radio. * Inquire if your Community is Storm Ready.