Emergency Plan Manual
41 What do you need to do? 1. Within 7 calendar days after you receive information about a case, decide if the case is recordable under the OSHA recordkeeping requirements. 2. Determine whether the incident is a new case or a recurrence of an existing one. 3. Establish whether the case was work-related. 4. If the case is recordable, decide which form you will fill out as the injury and illness incident report. You may use OSHA’s 301 : Injury and illness Incident Report or an equivalent form. Some state workers compensation, insurance, or other reports may be acceptable substitutes, as long as they provide the same information as the OSHA 301. How to work with the Log 1. Identify the employee involved unless it is a privacy concern case as described below. 2. Identify when and where the case occurred. 3. Describe the case, as specifically as you can 4. Classify the seriousness of the case by recording the most serious outcome associated with the case, with column G (Death) being the most serious and column J (Other recordable cases) being the least serious. 5. Identify whether the case is an injury or illness. If the case is an injury, check the injury category, If the case is an illness, check the appropriate illness category. What is first aid? If the incident required only the following types of treatment, consider it first aid. DO NOT record the case if it involves only: * using non-prescription medications at non-prescription strength; * administering tetanus immunizations; * cleaning, flushing, or soaking wounds on the skin surface; * using wound coverings, such as bandages, BandAids, gauze pads, etc., or using SteriStrips or butterfly bandages. * using hot or cold therapy; * using any totally non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts, etc;
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