Emergency Plan Manual
WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (Appendix B) sheet will left at patients home, ALF, or AFHC, at time of admission, together with all Emergency paperwork materials. The resources necessary to continue essential care or services or make referrals to other organizations subject to written agreement which include how the home health agency will continue to provide care to ALF and/or AFCH patients who relocate in the same geographic service area or relocate outside the geographic service area: Patients who need continued essential care, __________________________________ will get another Agency, subject to written agreement (see attached) at time of transfer, to care for patients or call 911, if ______________________________________ is unable to provide the necessary services, but our Agency will make the maximum effort to guarantee the service. The procedures for contacting the emergency operation center after the disaster to report on the home health agency’s damage, if any, and their availability to continue services to their patients in the special needs shelter: The Administrator or Director of Nursing will contact the DOH, County Emergency Operation Center to report, if due to disaster damage, our Agency: 1) is or not available to operate, 2) the availability to operate with another Agency’s partner subject to written agreement (see attached) 3) our availability to continue services to our patients in the special needs shelter 4) the availability of field staff to comply with physician’s POC and maintain the same quality of services F. The Patients Return Home The procedures on how the home health agency will re-establish contact with patients in the patients’ home, ALF and AFCH and resume patient care: Home healthcare staff is on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When an emergency interrupts this schedule, staff is called in to work as specified above. The m RPHQW that a disaster has finish and the County/City Government opens roads, patients of our Agency, will be visited in their homes, ALF, or AFHC in order of acuity priority, and resume home care services as ordered in his/ her Care Plan. (If patient can’t be found, or his/her house destroyed, we will call the State and Local Community Agencies and authorities to report the incident to them) The procedures on how the home health agency will re-establish contact with employees and re-start patient care: Employees are required to monitor voice mail and alpha paging before, during and after emergencies. If regular ways of communication fail, employees must report to duty when roads are open, driving to our office to pickup needs supplies and re-star patient care. (If staff is missing, not reported to the Agency, we will call the State and Local Community Agencies and authorities to report the missing, not reported staff) The procedures on how the home health agency will provide or arrange for prioritizing care should the emergency result in less staff being available immediately following the disaster: If, because of the emergency, staffing shortages exist, appropriate managerial staff will conduct patient visits, or written contract (see attached) at time of service, with another licensed facility, may supply us with staffing personnel. III. INFORMATION, TRAINING AND EXERCISE The procedures on how key workers will be instructed, prior to an emergency, in their roles and responsibilities during an emergency The Director of Nursing, will verify/go over the training of all of our staff, by internal In- services, which cover their roles before, during, and after an emergency. AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 15 of 54 Angel Home Care Services, Inc. Angel Home Care Services, Inc. Angel Home Care Services, Inc.
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