Emergency Plan Manual

AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 16 of 54 All staff, during orientation, is told of their responsibilities during an actual emergency. Prior to an emergency, when possible, staff is instructed as to their responsibilities via voicemail, staff meetings, cell phone, telephone or alpha paging. Is no warning is allowed, staff is to contact the center at least two times during 8-hours period. The procedures for developing a training schedule for all employees and identification of who will provide the training. Each admission nursing is instructed in Emergency definition, the Emergency Management Plan, when the emergency management plan will go into effect, the roles and responsibilities of essential and non-essential staff, the procedures for educating patients about the emergency management plan and the special needs registry. The training will also include information for staff on how they can work, if they choose to do so, with the local state or county agency who will be managing and staffing the special needs shelter during an emergency (pursuant to s. 456.38, F.S., and s. 381.0303, F.S.), all Emergency Forms using for our Agency, and the importance to fill them with accurate information, and reinforced the needed of patient education, for use and conservation in safe/easy access place. Also the rest of staff are trained with the full Emergency Plan, their role, contacts, receive reports, and with our On-Call system, how they can work with the local city or county agency who will be managing and addressing the special needs shelter during an emergency. The home health agency’s provisions for training new employees regarding their disaster related roles and responsibilities: Each new employee in their initial orientation, the full Emergency Plan is reviewed and their roles explained. At orientation, and annually thereafter, training is provided on the process and procedures of emergency management. The Education coordinator / Director of Nursing will provide training. Patients are trained in their responsibilities, the requirement of list and transportation/ evacuation issues during home care visits by professional nursing staff, following the procedures: - In the Admission, the signup nurse, will fill out all Emergency/Disaster forms, including classification, decline in function, medications, equipment for life support, the patient will be instructed about the importance to keep that form in a safe an accessible place, if evacuation become necessary. - As case continue for services, all forms updated with current information, including, medications, equipments, decline or improve in function by our staff, the patient will be reinforced to keep it in a safe an accessible place. - During Hurricane season, the patient will be re-instructed, that Emergency/Disaster Form, with all clinical information data, including medications, specials needs, equipments, that is maintained current from our staff, have to be available, for special shelter transfer needs. IV. APPENDICES The appendices that follow are provided in support of the agency’s comprehensive emergency management plan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ngel Home Care Services, Inc.