Emergency Plan Manual
AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 22 of 54 data forms is saved to a CD Rom, memory stick, tape backup, or a zip drive and stored in a secure off site location. Store back up media on site in insulated containers T Make hard copies of pertinent client file contents including the physician orders, assessment, plan of care or service provision plan and advance directives in a secure off site location. T Provide a copy of the record items listed above to the client and/or the client’s caregiver to store in their home(s) if requested. T Transfer special needs registry lists and required information to a disc that is stored in a secure off site location. T Send updated discs and hard copy special needs registry lists to the county special needs department on a regular basis. Keep a copy on site in an insulated container. T Scan record contents on a regular basis. Store copies of the scanned records in a secure off site location. T Arrange for the evacuation of records to a designated backup facility if there is sufficient warning prior to the disaster. Arrange for your designated staff person responsible for clinical records to meet at least annually with your local emergency management personnel in your county. Keeping abreast of new and better ways to protect your clinical records and equipment will help you get up and running quickly after a disaster. Angel Home Care Services, Inc.
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