Emergency Plan Manual
AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 3 of 54 I. INTRODUCTION The Emergency Management/disaster plan provides an orderly procedure to be implemented in an emergency to assure that the health care needs of patients continue to be met. This plan is developed as a means to continue health and medical care for the active patients of ______________________________________________, in the manner that is as seamless as possible before, during, and after disasters, systems failure and other emergencies. It is our policy that patients will be alerted, either in person or by phone, in the event of an impending, or onset of a disaster that may affect their home health care. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all patients who need continuing care receive it through competent caregivers, HHA staff, or through the services provided at emergency shelters. Our staff is trained in this Emergency Plan during their formal orientation to our HHA and at least annually thereafter. All staff who would have been scheduled for work during a declared emergency must report to work as specified herein. Following this plan will decrease the likelihood of medical care disruption BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB attempts to find volunteers to provide service to patients of the community in local special needs shelters. Staff members will be requested to assist in a shelter in the event the agency closes during a declared disaster. Our Agency will continue offering services to our patient in the special needs Shelter, unless we are unable to reach them due to road blockage, by: - Make available our Prioritized Special Needs Patient List, to our Employees in case of Emergency. :H DUH D +RPH +HDOWK $JHQF\ VNLOOHG RQ GLVDVWHUV - All Employees who would have been scheduled for work during a declared emergency must report to work, as are they oriented. - Register in our Prioritized List the Name/Address of each Shelter used by our Active Patients - Encouraged the Regular Schedule of Visit compliance after fair conditions are back in our area of services - Instruct our Employees in the need to continue with the same quality of services in the Shelter where patients are during Emergency Conditions - In case of our Agency is unable to serve our Patients, we will comply with our Agreement with other Home Health Agency to serve our clients, signed by our Administrator (see Appendix ‘A’) The agency will close if the county and/or city close roads. Portions of this plan call for action in anticipation of an emergency of disaster, during an emergency or disaster, and immediately following an emergency or disaster. $JHQF\ SRSXODWLRQ , service S rovided: Skilled Services (Nursing & Therapy) Non Skilled Services (Aide, Personal Care, etc.) Other: _____________________ Elderly persons Minors Any ages patients Other: _____________________ 1. Basic Information about the Agency Agency Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ (This number will be answered at all times) Fax Number: ______________________ Email: _____________ __________________________________________________ County (ies) Licensed in: __________________________________________________ Angel Home Care Services, Inc. Angel Home Care Services, Inc. 12955 SW 42 STREET. Suite 104 Miami, Fl 33175 (305) 220-4544 305-220-0061 nalegre@angelhcs.com MIAMI DADE & MONROE Angel Home Care Services, Inc. Angel Home Care Services, Inc.
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