Emergency Plan Manual

AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 43 of 54 $ Sniff for gas leaks, starting at the water heater. If you smell gas or suspect a leak, turn off the main gas valve, open windows, and get everyone outside quickly. Shut off any other damaged utilities. $ Confine or secure your pets. $ Call your family contact—do not use the telephone again unless it is a life-threatening emergency. $ Check on your neighbors, especially those who are elderly or disabled. What Could Happen As we’ve learned from previous events, the following things can happen after a terrorist attack: There can be significant numbers of casualties and/or damage to buildings and the infrastructure. So as employer we need up-to-date information about any medical needs may have and on how to contact our staff/patients (see Emergency log). Heavy law enforcement involvement at local, state and federal levels follows a terrorist attack due to the event's criminal nature. Other Health and mental health resources in the affected communities can be strained to their limits, maybe even overwhelmed. Extensive media coverage, strong public fear and international implications and consequences can continue for a prolonged period. Workplaces and schools may be closed, and there may be restrictions on domestic and international travel. You and your family or household may have to evacuate an area, avoiding roads blocked for your safety. Clean-up may take many months. Angel Home Care Services, Inc.