Emergency Plan Manual

Agency conducts a walk-through exercise of the Plan at least annually. The walk-through element exercises has a prepared plan that includes: Description. Scope. Objective. A current copy of the ABRP is maintained off-site. All users of the ABRP have ready access to a current copy all times. There is an audit trail of the changes made to the ABRP. Continuity of Operations Business Plan 1. The following person is the agency’s Disaster Coordinator and will serve as the primary spokesperson in an emergency____________________ ____________ with ___________________ _______________________________________, as back up designee. 2. Back Data is stored in a secure off-site location at_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Essential Functions for Patients/Families as part of Continuing Business Operations: A. Medical Oversight by a Physician. B. Nursing Services. C. Medical Social Services. D. Counseling Services. E. Equipment, Supplies, Medications for symptom management as designated in the Plan of Care. F. Other services as designated in the POC. 4, Maintain a list of staff/volunteers/contractors with addresses and emergency numbers. Attempt to have staff list a contact out-of-state. 5. The following natural a man-made disasters could impact our business: 9 Floods 9 Hurricanes 9 Tornadoes 9 Extreme Heat 9 Winter Storms 9 Fires 9 Wildfires 9 Widespread Power Outages 9 Hazardous Materials Incidents 9 Nuclear Power Plant Hazards 9 Epidemic 9 Terrorism 6. The following are operations critical to the survival and recovery of our Agency: Operation Staff Member in Change Action Plan ____________________ _______________________ ___________________ ____________________ _______________________ ___________________ ____________________ _______________________ ___________________ ____________________ _______________________ ___________________ ____________________ _______________________ ___________________