Emergency Plan Manual
Business Continuity Plan Assessment: Category Planning Preparation Administrative Establish a steering committee for planning (The Agency’s Board of Director members plus key staff) ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ __Develop policies and procedures for business recovery (Emergency Management Plan Manual, Forms, etc) __ Test and rehearse plans (Disaster and Safety Drill) __Engage staff and management (training, explain responsibilities) Staffing Identify critical staff necessary for operations ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____Minimal number of staff for operations __ Minimum number of staff for each position Clerical______________________ Nursing _____________________ Therapy_____________________ Aides _______________________ MSW _______________________ Data entry ___________________ Systems maintenance __________ Human resources ______________ Other________________________ ___ Determine alternate roles for each position ____ Identify staff to be cross trained (All Agency’s field and support staff) Financial Cash on hand Establish credit line Insurance policy Secure the amount necessary to maintain operations for several months ______________________ Bank phone number: __________________________ Contact person : ___________________________ Amount of credit of credit line: ___________________________ Insurance company name and phone # ___________________ __________________________ Contact person: _________________________ Secure policy off site __________________________ Agency’s Information Stored (what to keep, and what to store offsite) Options: • fireproof, crush-proof safe box to store crucial documents • scan critical documents and store on a CD, on the intranet, or in password-protected section of your website Emergency Plan Manual: _ Clinical Records protection _ Staff records protection _ Financial Records protection
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