Emergency Plan Manual

Agency: Office Safety Inspection Checklist Year: Inspection Date: COMPLIANCE COMMENTS FACILITY YES NO NA 1. Stairs, corridors, and bathrooms are safe and well lighted. 2. Doors and pathways are clear of obstructions. 3. Office uses a public sewage disposal system or a private system that is approved by local or county authorities. 4. The provider keeps the client's records, prescription orders, supplies in a safe place. 5. Supplies requiring refrigeration is stored in the refrigerator in a properly labeled container. 6. Handrails are provided for stairways. 7. Windows and outside doors are screened and open for ventilation, when appropriate. 8. Glass doors are marked at eye level to prevent accidents. 9. Dishwashing procedures are sanitary. 10. Hot water heater is properly vented; no rags or mops are stored on top of or adjacent to the hot water heater. 11. Bathrooms and toilets are clean and in working order. 12. Indoor floors and steps are not slippery. Wood surfaces do not have splinters. 13. There is at least one toilet, lavatory, and first aide kit inside the office or bulding floor. 14. Office uses a public water supply or a private well that is approved by local or county authorities.