Emergency Plan Manual
D4...Category IV : Patient who refused information, or signed the registration release form releasing the Agency from evacuation responsibilities. In the event evacuation of the patient is required, the local authority responsible for coordinating disaster preparedness and emergency response will he contacted. In the event some patient visits can’t be made and it is not a life threatening situation, contact will be maintained by phone if possible. If office phone service is disrupted, phones will be turned over to the answering service, if possible. A staff member will be assigned to remain in contact with the answering service to receive and send messages. In our Home Health Care software the “Disaster Plan Classification/Priority status”, will be encoded, and correspond report can be printed as needed, for all Active Patients. B. Education of Patients Prior to an Emergency The procedures for educating patients or patients’ caregivers at the onset of care and as needed about the home health agency’s emergency management plan: The Education of our Patients in private homes, assisted living facilities (ALF) and adult family home care (AFHC), start in the beginning, with the initial sign up visit, and every year include the “in house”, in-services to our employees: In all Admissions, during sign up process, all our patients will be educated and instructed in the Agency’s Emergency Management Plan - the signup nurse will fill out all Emergency/Disaster paper work and FODVVLILFDWLRQ :H ZLOO ILUVW DVN WR DOO FOLHQWV RQ DGPLVVLRQ LI WKH\ ZLOO UHPDLQ ZLWK IDPLO\ LQ FDVH RI GLVDVWHU 7KH DJHQF\ ZLOO H[SODLQ WR DOO RI RXU FOLHQWV WKH\ QHHG D SODQ LI WKH\ KDYH DQ\ZKHUH WR JR D 6S1V VKHOWHU LV D FKRLFH RI ODVW UHVRUW - full instruction/teaching will be given to patient/family/caregiver, about special needs registry, patient’s plan, during, and immediately following an emergency. -The Agency will Help the Patient with the Special Needs Registry and submit the form, before any Emergency. During Hurricane season our patients will be trained in all emergency procedures during Hurricane, including specials instructions given during sign up process - if patient still in services after 6 months will be re-trained and refresh all disaster procedures. The Emergency/Disaster Form are mandatory for all of our Patients (see attached) The procedures for discussing with those patients in private homes, ALFs and AFCHs who need continued services, who are not registered with the special needs registry, the patients’ plan during, and immediately following, an emergency and contacting the ALF and/or AFCH for patients served by the home health agency regarding the plan for the patient during, and immediately following, an emergency: As part of the Sign up/Initial visit, the nurse will check if the Patient is in the Special needs registry, is the Patient is NOT registered, and do not need that, we will collect information if he/her will stay at home, or move to a family/caregiver residence in case of an Emergency, (all information will be collected in our Emergency/Disaster Form (see attached) 2XU DGPLVVLRQ VWDII ZLOO H[SODLQ WR DOO RI RXU FOLHQWV WKH\ QHHG D SODQ LI WKH\ KDYH DQ\ZKHUH WR JR D 6S1V VKHOWHU LV D FKRLFH RI ODVW UHVRUW AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 8 of 54
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