Infection Prevention Manual

EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INFECTION PREVENTION ACTIVITIES Report Date: __________________ a I Quarter a II Quarter a III Quarter a IV Quarter a The Infection Control Committee formally evaluates and revises the goals and Infection prevention program (or portions of the program) at least annually and where the risks are significantly changed. If applicable. a The evaluation addresses changes in the scope of the IC program (for example, resulting from the introduction of new services or new community disease, pandemic, etc) __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ a The evaluation addresses changes in the results of the IC program risk analysis. Every component of the IC program know their responsibilities: Staff, Patients, Physician, Families/Caregivers. a The evaluation addresses emerging and reemerging problems in the health care community that potentially affect the Agency (for example, highly infectious agents). a The evaluation addresses the assessment of the success or failure of interventions for preventing and controlling infection. ___________________________________________________________________ a The evaluation addresses responses to concerns raised by leadership and others within the Agency. a The evaluation addresses the evolution of relevant infection prevention and control guidelines that are based on evidence or, in the absence of evidence, expert consensus. a The Agency assigns responsibility for managing IC program activities to one or more individuals whose number, competency, and skill mix are determined by the goals and objectives of the IC activities. Current Members: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ a Infection Control Data collection and Interpretation completed or in course a Discussion in the Infection Control Committee, Patient’s chart review, employee health a More common community diseases data in place (monthly) a Staff orientation annually regarding Infection Control Prevention, Handwashing Technique, the Nursing Bag, Tuberculosis Prevention, Bloodborne Pathogens, Universal-Standard precautions, Use of PPE, Biomedical waste. a Patient Infection Control Orientation, Education program in place. a The Agency maintain/require Equipment and supplies to support the IC prevention program (gloves, hand hygiene supplies, sharp, waste disposal. a The Agency identifies risks for acquiring and transmitting infections based on the following: our geographical location, Community, and population served. a The Agency identifies risks for acquiring and transmitting infections based on the following: Care, Treatment, and Services, results of surveillance activities. a Hand hygiene guidelines, compliance, goals are maintained enforced. Outbreaks infection program in place. a Completed Analysis of Adverse Health Care Events and Health Care-Associated Infections. a Process supervision, audits of practices and monitoring of client/patient care practices are be used to identify areas of continued concern and to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ a Staff, patients feedback taking in care in the improvement in our IC program. a Consistent use of Routine Practices with all clients/patients/staff: risk assessment of the client/patient and the subsequent interaction, hand hygiene before and after physical contact with any client/patient or with a contaminated environment, additional barrier precautions to prevent health care provider contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, non-intact skin or mucous membranes, safe handling of sharps to prevent injury including the use of safety-engineered devices and the provision of sharps containers, safe handling of soiled linen and waste to prevent exposure and transmission to others, cleaning and disinfection of equipment that is being used by more than one client/patient between uses. a Additional precautions in use: Contact Precautions, Droplet Precautions, Airborne Precautions a Encouraged Patient/staff immunizations a Other: ____________________________________________________________________________ Report completed by (Name/Title): _____________________________ Signature: ________________ Your Agency Name (PN System)