Infection Prevention Manual

EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN 10.Decontamination of equipment prior to servicing or shipping and properly labeling equipment as clean or contaminated 11.Using protective coverings such as aluminum foil and plastic and replacing coverings if contamination is thought to have occurred Home health care employees provide information to patients regarding infection control principles and procedures as appropriate. To comply with OSHA requirements that the Agency ensure that the infection control plan is appropriate to the work environment and responsibilities and that the plan is fully implemented, the Agency will: 1. Periodically evaluate all job responsibilities for potential risk 2. Review the program's effectiveness at least annually and revise as necessary 3. Evaluate incidents of exposure and revise operating policies and procedures as indicated 4. Educate employees in the infection control program and any subsequent revisions upon employment, when changes occur and at least annually 5. Monitor compliance with the program through on-site supervisory visits, performance evaluations, periodic review of personnel files, and records of training 6. Monitor and evaluate the performance of any individual or provider contracted to perform any portion of the program such as waste disposal, transportation services for lab specimens, and cleaning companies All materials related to OSHA regulations and all Agency infection control activities shall be incorporated into an infection control manual which includes: 1. The plan 2. Outline for employee education 3. Records of employee training 4. Universal precautions 5. Isolation procedures 6. Clinical procedures for obtaining, handling and transport of laboratory specimens 7. Decontamination and labeling procedures 8. List of incidents and infections to be reported 9. Documentation of investigation of exposure incidents and infection occurrences (patient and employee confidentiality will be considered and as such information may be maintained in the clinical record or the employee's personnel file or separate confidential files) which must be maintained for 30 years 10. Contracts for infection control related services such as waste disposal 11. Copies of applicable state and local regulations The Agency shall maintain procedures for the care of patients with infectious and/or contagious diseases. If a patient is suspected or known to have an infectious or contagious disease, Agency personnel providing care shall implement the procedures specific to the suspected disease as described in the Agency procedure manual. Employees providing patient care shall comply with the Agency's health requirement for periodic examination and disease screening. Employees with a known or suspected infectious and/or contagious disease shall be restricted from providing patient care until a statement is received from the employee's physician stating that the employee is free from contagious diseases and is able to return to work. The company shall be aware of and comply with all state requirements for the reporting of communicable diseases.