Infection Prevention Manual

EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN Personnel management issues which pose a potential risk include but are not limited to: a. Verification of qualifications b. Verification of work experience and references c. New employee orientation d. Inservice/continuing education program e. Employee supervision f. Employee performance evaluation g. Employee counseling/discipline Universal Precautions: All employees will utilize universal precautions. EMPLOYEE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS/HEPATITIS B VACCINATION Employees providing patient care shall comply with the Agency's health requirement for periodic examination and disease screening. The Agency will make available to all applicable employees, at no cost and at a reasonable time and place, after their initial training and within 10 days of assignment, the Hepatitis B vaccine. Employees who have had an exposure incident shall receive post-exposure evaluation and follow-up. The vaccine shall be administered unless the employee has received the complete series of the vaccine previously, or if antibody testing has revealed that the employee is immune, or if the vaccine is contraindicated for medical reasons. The vaccination should be performed by an appropriately licensed professional and in accordance with the recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service applicable at the time. Three IM doses of vaccine will be given- the initial dose, at one month, and at six months. The vaccine will be administered deep intramuscular in the deltoid. An antibody titre will be done at one (1) month after the immunization series to determine the immune status. If not immune, a booster dose will be given. The antibody titre will be done again one (1) month after the booster dose. If a routine booster dose of Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service at a future date, such booster doses shall be made available. Should the employee decline the vaccine, the Agency will document the employee's refusal on the OSHA standard declination form. Should the employee initially decline the vaccine but at a later date decide to accept the vaccination, the employer shall make the vaccine available.