Infection Prevention Manual

EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN DISPOSAL OF NEEDLES, SYRINGES AND SHARP ITEMS The Agency shall make available written procedures in the clinical procedures manual to protect patients, caregivers and employees from needle sticks or injury and exposure to microorganisms/viruses. The Agency shall instruct employees during orientation and at least annually thereafter in the procedures for disposal of needles and sharp items. Routine precautions require that employees do not cut, clip, bend, break, remove or re-cap needles, do not over-fill containers, and always wash their hands before and after handling sharps. HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL The Agency will properly and safely dispose of or arrange for the disposal of all hazardous waste to protect health care personnel, the patient, family and the environment from unnecessary exposure to hazardous substances. Each patient with hazardous waste potential shall receive a puncture proof container on the first visit. Filled containers are to be placed in a large sealable polyethylene or polypropylene bag that is labeled with a distinctive warning to the waste disposal company. A new puncture proof container will be provided. Unused portions of drug(s) and equipment used to administer the drugs are to be disposed of according to the established Agency policies and procedures. Employees shall be advised not to dispose of unused drugs or contaminated solutions in drains or toilets but to use the original vial, I.V. bag/cassette, or other closed container which is to be placed in a labeled, double plastic bag. Contaminated materials i.e. gloves, gowns, masks, vials, tubings and absorbent pads shall be double bagged in leak-proof, puncture-proof sealable bags or containers made of polyethylene or polypropylene which should carry a distinctive warning label unless labeling is not allowed due to Agency policy or local regulations for waste disposal. An example of a warning label is: CAUTION: Chemotherapy Waste. The plastic bags should be placed in a lined cardboard box which is labeled, sealed and taped for disposal. Arrangements for disposal should be made with a private waste management firm that has been licensed to dispose of toxic waste materials. The employee shall instruct the patient and family in proper care and handling of the patient's urine, stool, vomitus and other excreta and to use good handwashing techniques. In the event of accidental exposure, employees shall be instructed to remove contaminated gloves or gowns immediately and discard them properly. Skin shall be washed with soap (not a germicidal agent) and water. Flood an eye that is accidentally exposed with water or an isotonic eye wash for at least five minutes. Obtain a medical evaluation as soon as possible and document the incident according to established policies. The patient and family should be instructed what to do if accidental exposure occurs. It is recommended that serious consideration be given to the possible dangers to pregnant or lactating women or young children who may reside in the home and be exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs or waste products. All available information shall be given to the family concerning possible toxicity so they might make a decision regarding the best place of treatment for the patient. Preventing accidental spills and protecting articles of clothing, bedding and furniture from contact with hazardous wastes is imperative. When appropriate, a spill clean-up kit shall be carried by the nurse and a kit left with the patient/family with instructions for use in the event of a spill. If a spill occurs, it shall be cleaned up immediately following Agency policies and procedures and spill kit directions. The patient/family shall be instructed to call the nurse immediately to report the occurrence of a spill. Employees shall use a clean, disposable plastic absorbent liner beneath the I.V. tubing, syringe, or other likely site of a spill. If a spill occurs on the patient's or family member's clothing or sheets, wash these articles in hot water separated from other articles.