Infection Prevention Manual

EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN If a spill occurs on an unprotected piece of furniture, scrub the area with detergent solution and water, rinse with clean water and dispose of contaminated materials. This procedure shall be performed wearing double, unpowdered latex gloves. Document the incident according to established Agency policies. On a weekly basis, the employee shall review the expiration dates on all drugs, solutions and supplies. All communication from the product manufacturers regarding drug, solution or supply discontinuation will be brought to the attention of the supervising nurse. All expired or discontinued drugs, solutions or supplies will be removed from the inventory and disposed of in accordancewithmanufacturers' recommendations, Agency policy and federal, state and local laws. A log will be maintained of all items disposed. Federal disposal regulations depend upon the category of hazardous waste. The following antineoplastic agents are currently classified as toxic waste: a. Chlorambucil b. Cyclophosphamide c. Daunomycin d. Melphalen e. Mitomycin f. Streptozocin g. Uracil Mustard