Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. * Refer to Agency Biomedical Waste Plan. 3. Eating, Drinking, Smoking, Gloves, etc. Eating, drinking, smoking, applying of cosmetics and handling of contact lenses are prohibited in patient care areas where there is a potential for occupational exposure. Food and drink will not be stored in refrigerators, freezers or cabinets where blood or other potentially infectious body fluids are stored. Mouth pipetting/suctioning of blood or other potentially infectious body fluids is prohibited. All non-invasive equipment and working surfaces will be examined, properly cleaned and disinfected after contact with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. Chemical germicides that are approved can be used to decontaminate spills of blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. Gloves shall be worn when cleaning spills of blood and other potentially infectious body fluids. Red biomedical waste bags shall be available in areas where biomedical waste may be generated. Soiled linen shall be handled as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. Standard disinfection procedures for patient care equipment are adequate to disinfect instruments, devices and other items contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. Instruments or reusable devices that enter sterile tissue or vascular systems of any patient must be properly cleaned and disinfected before they can be sterilized. All sharps (needles, lancets, etc.) and other biomedical waste shall be discarded at the point of origin in the appropriate biomedical container/bag.* All contaminated reusable instruments and equipment, which is to be transferred to a department for processing, will be placed in clear bags and labeled with the biohazardous symbol. Care will be taken that bags are not perforated during transport. All potential biomedical waste (BMW) will be placed in a red BMW bag at the point of origin. All health care workers will be provided with appropriate orientation, on-the -job training and equipment concerning the handling and disposition of BMW during initial orientation to their position, and at least ANNUALLY thereafter. In all areas where BMW is generated, the red BMW bags will be securely sealed and appropriately labeled.* Red BMW bags will be placed in the appropriate BMW receptacle. Patients will not be permitted to share personal care items which may be contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. Health care workers who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis will not perform or assist in invasive procedures or other direct patient care activities, or handle equipment used in patient care until the condition improves. * Refer to Agency Biomedical Waste Plan. 4. Handling of Specimens - Specimens of blood or other potentially infectious body fluids will be placed in a sealable, leak proof container prior to being transferred. If outside contamination of the primary container occurs, then a second sealable, leak proof container shall be placed over the outside of the first, and sealed to prevent leakage during handling or transport. If the specimen could puncture the primary container, the primary container shall be placed in a secondary container which is puncture resistant. Durable Medical and Respiratory Therapy Equipment - Durable medical equipment (DME) and respiratory therapy equipment shall be maintained by the caregiver according to specific supplier instructions. C. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT All health care workers shall consistently and routinely use personal protective equipment (PPE) when there is reasonable potential for exposure to blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. PPE will be provided, repaired, or replaced at no cost to the health care worker. PPE will be readily available in appropriate sizes. Home Health Agency Nursing Care & Procedures K-189