Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. Tape, which supports the barrier and is used for waterproofing. Tape remover, which cleans adhesive off the skin. Patient’s/Family Education: It takes time to adjust to having a urostomy. But the patient will be able to participate in ADLs and physical activities, be intimate with their partner, and resume their social life after surgery. Immediately after their surgery, activities such as lifting will be restricted to allow the stoma to heal. After 2 to 3 weeks, they should be able to resume normal activities. Noncontact activities, such as swimming, exercise walk, should be no problem. If they had an exercise routine, they must talk to their doctor about when they can restart it and whether it is possible to participate in more complex exercise which could result in injury to the stoma. Usually will have no dietary restrictions and foods can be enjoyed as before. Patients should drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluid each day to help decrease the chance of kidney infection. Many of the problems relating to intimacy may be more emotional than physical. They may be concerned with ability, body image, and what others think. Our staff must encourage to talk to their doctor, counselor, or a therapist for help coping with any problems concerning intimacy or your self- image. The patient will probably be able to wear the same clothing. Tight clothes will not hurt their stoma. If you have trouble hiding the ostomy pouch, or if it shows through your clothing, the nurse may have suggestions. Home Health Agency Nursing Care & Procedures K-199