Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. Low Pressure: If pressure falls below this limit, alarm will sound. This happens when client becomes disconnected from machine. High Pressure: If pressure goes above set limit, alarm will sound. Can be caused by excessive secretions, coughing, kinked tubing, and mucous plugs. e. Assess other machine settings, oxygen settings, and oxygen source. 5. Information must be present in the home that includes troubleshooting guidelines, emergency phone numbers, and guidelines for emergency intervention. 6. Back-up systems are in place in case of mechanical or electrical failure. 7. Caregivers should be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Documentation Guidelines 1. Document in clinical record: a. Ventilator settings or any changes made. Note pressures and pressure limit settings. b. Any teaching done with family or client. c. Any procedures performed such as oximetry readings, blood draws, or suctioning. d. Care coordination activities including contact with physician and/or other members of health care team. e. Any other pertinent findings or concerns. Pediatric Considerations Types of ventilators used for infants and children fall into two categories: Invasive/noninvasive positive pressure ventilators, and noninvasive negative pressure devices. Positive pressure ventilation supports the respiratory system by pushing air into the lungs and holding pressure for a pre-determined time per physician orders and then permitting pressure levels to return to baseline. Positive pressure can be delivered via tracheostomy tube or mask and can be provided by volume controlled, pressure controlled equipment. Equipment is available to promote mobility of the child and routines as normal as possible. Home Health Agency Nursing Care & Procedures K-202