Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. POLICY ON LAUNDRY Policy: To be in compliance with Patient’s Care and Infection Control measures Procedures: 1) The Agency recommend, in compliance with CDC and infection control plan guidelines, that clothing soiled with blood or body substances be washed separately from household laundry in extremely hot water for about 25 minutes (use a detergent and bleach that will not damage colored clothes). Wear gloves and other PPE as needed. 2) The washing machine must be cleaned thoroughly to remove organic material before and after use. 3) Laundry should be handled as little as possible and with minimum agitation to prevent gross microbial contamination of the air and of the persons handling the linen. Place linens soiled with blood or body fluids in a leak-resistant bag at the location where care was given (Patient’s place of residence). Instruct the patient/family to wash soiled linens in hot, soapy water with a bleach solution, separate from the family wash. 4) Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics or lip balm, and handling contact lenses are prohibited in patient care areas where there is reasonable likelihood of occupational exposure to blood or body substances. Food and drinks are not to be kept in patient care areas where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present. 5) It is recommended that all staff involved in patient care (e.g., touching, working with patients/caregivers, laundry) be immunized against hepatitis B. In addition, our Agency strongly recommends that all staff be vaccinated against (or have documented immunity to) influenza. 6) Exposure incident: In the event of eye or body contact with the patient’s blood or body substances, complete and incident report, substances, including deep wound puncture from a needlestick (that maybe in linen, patient’s clothes, etc), (1) irrigate the eye with water or wash the exposed body part with soap and water, and (2) contact the Agency’s Director of Nursing (Infection Control Responsible) for follow-up instructions and care. In addition, report suspect exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis or any other infectious organism to the Infection Control department. 7) Our Agency maintain an infection control program, including a staff infection–control exposure plan, that identifies patient risk for infectious organisms on admission to the home health agency and includes guidelines for clinical management. Home Health Agency Nursing Care & Procedures K-222