Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 10 AUTOMATIC LANCING DEVICE PURPOSE: A finger puncture device will be used for obtaining blood from the finger or heel to accurately obtain a blood sample without the transmission of infectious disease. Observe universal blood and body fluid precautions to prevent the transmission of Hepatitis B, HIV and other bloodborne pathogens. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: Nursing Staff EQUIPMENT: Lancet, alcohol swabs, lancing device (per patient if available), used needle container, bandaid or 2 x 2 or cotton ball, tape (as needed), and gloves. PROCEDURE: 1. Assemble equipment. 2. Wash hands and don gloves. 3. Explain the procedure to the patient. 4. Position patient comfortably to allow for specimen collection. 5. Obtain blood sample per manufacturer's instructions for lancing device. 6. Place used lancet in a non-pervious container. 7. Cleanse lancing device with an alcohol swab directly after patient use if contaminated with blood or body fluids. 8. Record fingerstick results as indicated. DOCUMENTATION Document patient tolerance of procedure, fingerstick glucose results, all patient teaching and response to teaching. Document notification of MD for abnormal results and any orders received.