Policy Manual sample
MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 11 BACKRUB PURPOSE: To provide back care to help decrease potential for formation of decubutis ulcers, to stimulate circulation and to provide for patient comfort. Active assessment for redness, blanching, or skin breakdown should occur with each back rub. Areas prone to breakdown (i.e. those over bony prominences) should be monitored closely. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: All staff EQUIPMENT: Lotion SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: There are several types of massage. The type considered here and most commonly used in the home is effleurage (i.e. smooth, long strokes with the hands). Individual preference or specific allergies related to lotions should be given special consideration. PROCEDURE: 1. Explain procedure to patient. 2. Wash hands. 3. Drape patient for privacy. 4. Position patient on side or abdomen. 5. Fold bed cover below waist. Apply lotion to your hands and hold for a minute to warm. 6. Starting at sacral area with hands in fan-shaped position, rub lotion over the skin in circular movement. Move hands up the back on either side of spine and over the scapula. Do not massage directly over spine. 7. Continue with circular motion. Fan your hands out over shoulders, returning hands to the lateral aspects and the iliac crests. 8. If reddened areas are present, provide additional gentle massage. 9. Remove excess lotion from skin. Pat dry. Remove source of moisture. 10. Wash hands. 11. Notify supervisor if reddened areas are present. DOCUMENTATION: Document on the Clinical Visit Note that procedure was performed and the condition of the skin at the time. If further action is indicated, document follow-up/notification of supervisor and/or physician.
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