Policy Manual sample
MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 100 a. Place one of your hands on each side of patient's face. b. Tilt patient's head laterally, bringing the right ear to the right shoulder, gently tipping the head back toward the left shoulder. 10. Implement neck rotation passive range of motion exercises as follows: a. Place one of your hands on each side of patient's face. b. Turn patient's head from right to left side, as if he or she were looking over a shoulder. 11. Implement shoulder extension and flexion passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Place patient in prone, side-lying, or sitting position. b. Place patient's arm in natural extended position, at the side with the palm facing the body. c. Place one of your hands under patient's elbow, and grasp patient's wrist with your other hand. d. Flex patient's lower arm straight up until the lower arm reaches patient's ear, keeping patient's elbow at the side to natural extended position with the palm facing the body. 12. Implement shoulder vertical abduction and adduction passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Place patient in prone, side-lying or sitting position. b. Abduct or swing patient's arm outward from the side, staying in body plane. c. Return patient's arm to the side. d. Adduct patient's arm across body midline toward the other arm. e. Rotate patient's arm externally at the shoulder, bring patient's arm up to the ear, and return the arm to starting position. 13. Implement shoulder horizontal abduction and adduction passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Place patient's arm in vertical abduction and horizontally abduct or bend the elbow. b. Grasp patient's elbow with one hand and the wrist with your other hand. c. Adduct horizontally or carry patient's arm across the body so the hand touches the opposite shoulder. 14. Implement shoulder internal and external rotation passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Place patient's arm in horizontal abduction. b. Grasp patient's wrist with one hand, and bend patient's elbow at a 90-degree angle with your other hand. c. Rotate internally or gently lower patient's forearm until patient's palm touches the bed; keep patient's shoulder at a 90 degree angle to the mattress. d. Return patient's arm to starting position, externally rotate or push dorsal forearm toward mattress so back of patient's hand touches the bed. 15 . Implement elbow extension and flexion passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Extend or place patient's arm at his or her side, with the palm facing, upward. b. Grasp the patient's wrist so the hand will not droop. c. Flex or bring the hand up toward the shoulder, keeping patient's upper arm on the bed. 16. Implement forearm supination and pronation passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Position patient's arm in natural extended position and lift the hand into air, keeping patient’s elbow on bed. b. Grasp patient's wrist with one hand and patient's hand with your other hand. c. Twist patient's hand to bring the palm supine, or up. d. Twist patient's hand back again to bring the palm prone, or down. 17. Implement wrist extension and flexion passive range of motion exercise as follows: a. Position patient's arm in natural extended position. b. Extend or bend patient's hand back toward the dorsal forearm.
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