Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 104 _ RESPIRATIONS PURPOSE: A Respiratory Rate Assessment is taken on all patients as indicated to ascertain the rate, rhythm and character of respirations and to establish baseline data regarding the character of the patient's respirations. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: All staff EQUIPMENT: Watch with second hand PROCEDURE: 1. Wash hands. 2. Place the hand on the wrist as though you were taking a radial pulse. 3. Count the number of times the chest rises and falls in 30 seconds. Count the rising and falling as a unit of action. Multiply by 2. 4. If there are irregularities in rate or rhythm, count the respirations for one full minute. If the patient is under 2 years of age, count for a full minute. 5. Wash hands. 6. Record as indicated. Report any abnormalities. Teach caregivers steps 1-3. DOCUMENTATION: Document results on visit note. Abnormal rate, rhythm or character of the respiration should be reported to the clinical manager physician. If further action is indicated, document follow- up/notification of Clinical Manager and/or physician. ____________________________________________________