Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 140 URINE SPECIMEN COLLECTION CLEAN CATCH FOLEY CATHETER PURPOSE: Indwelling urinary catheter specimens are obtained without contaminating the closed drainage system per physician's order. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: RN, LPN EQUIPMENT: 10 cc syringe with needle, gloves, alcohol sponge, sterile specimen container with cap, label PROCEDURE: 1. Explain test and procedure. 2. Clamp catheter below aspiration port. You may need to wait up to 30 minutes to collect a specimen. 3. Wash hands. 4. Screen patient. 5. Clean port with an alcohol sponge. Insert needle with syringe at a 90 degree angle into port. Aspirate specimen. 6. Withdraw needle and immediately inject urine into a sterile container. Cap specimen container. Dispose of syringe in appropriate container. 7. Remove clamp from catheter. 8. Label container appropriately, including patient's name, date and time collected and test to be performed. Place in plastic bag and deliver to lab or office for lab pickup. 9. Dispose of any other supplies. 10. Wash hands. DOCUMENTATION: Document the procedure including the date and time, test to be performed, the laboratory to which the specimen was taken, the color and amount of specimen collected and any unusual characteristics of the urine on the Clinical Visit Note. ____________________________________________________