Policy Manual sample
MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 141 URINE SPECIMEN COLLECTION -UROSTOMY PURPOSE: A sterile urine specimen is obtained from a urostomy in accordance with specific physician's orders. RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: RN, LPN EQUIPMENT: • Exam gloves • Sterile specimen container • Sterile gloves • Sterile catheter tray • Specimen label • Lab requisition PROCEDURE: 1. Wash hands. 2. Explain procedure to patient. 3. Open catheter tray. Establish a sterile field. 4. Put on examination gloves. Remove pouch. Leave wafer in place. 5 . Take off exam gloves and put on sterile gloves. 6. Wipe stoma with antiseptic solution and allow to dry. 7. Apply sterile lubricant to tip of catheter. 8. Insert catheter into stoma, approximately 3 inches. Do not force catheter. 9. Urine will drain out through catheter. Collect in sterile container. 10. Remove catheter. Reapply pouch. 11. Cap and label specimen. 12. If laboratory is considerable distance from patient's home, it may be necessary to transport on ice. Take specimen to the appropriate lab in an approved transport container. 13. Clean area and dispose of articles. 14. Wash hands. DOCUMENTATION: Document the condition of the stoma, characteristics of the urine, the type of specimen obtained, test to be performed and the laboratory to which it was taken on the Clinical Visit Note. ____________________________________________________
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