Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 154  One (1) epinephrine 1:2000 (IM)  One (1) diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25-50 mg PO, IV or IM  Six (6) prep pads  Three (3) pairs gloves  One (1) D 5 W 500 mL • The Registered Nurse remains with the patient for the duration of the infusion and for one-half (1/2) hour after the infusion is completed. • Preinfusion Nursing Responsibilities: • Prior to initiating the infusion, review with the patient his/her medical history, drug history and previous allergies. Document the types of allergy, the severity of previous symptoms and prior response to treatment. Any questionable allergies must be brought to the attention of the physician. • Assess current medications for the potential of cross-reactions. Document and report pertinent findings to the physician. • Obtain baseline vital signs (T, P, R, B/P) and continue to monitor every 15 minutes or as prescribed by the physician for the duration of the infusion. • Draw any lab work that has been ordered. • Check medication label with physician orders for:  Correct drug - be alert for sound-alike drugs  Correct dose and rate  Correct route  Correct time  Correct frequency  Correct patient • Check all equipment (pumps, tubing, medication containers, access devices) to ensure all are in good working order and free of any defects. • Check that IV solution is free of any particulate matter.