Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 173 CARE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PURPOSE: • To ensure that MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. provides care, treatment and/or services for each patient according to the established plan of care for treatment and/or services. • To ensure patient/legal guardian involvement, whenever possible, in decisions about the patient’s care, treatment and/or services. POLICY: • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. provides care, treatment and/or services consistent with the type and frequency identified and documented in the plan of care and on the days and at the times scheduled with the patient/family/caregiver. • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. provides care, treatment and/or services for each patient according to accepted professional standards and applicable laws and regulations. • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. personnel use at least two (2) patient identifiers whenever taking blood samples or administering blood or blood products. The identifiers are documented in the skilled visit note. Identifiers may include, but are not limited to, asking the patient his/her name and his/her date of birth. If the patient is unable to provide this information, it will be obtained from a responsible person in the home. • Processes utilized by the Agency to validate consistency of care, treatment and/or services include but are not limited to: • Supervisors’ visit schedules • Supervisory visits • Concurrent and retrospective medical record reviews • Staff time records • Delivery tickets • Patient perception of care surveys • The results of the validation processes are tracked and trended as part of MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. ’s performance improvement process.