Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 181 GUIDELINES FOR MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AND PHYSICIAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES PURPOSE: To define the responsibilities of physicians managing the medical care of the patients of the MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. GUIDELINES: • The home care plan may be carried out by the patient alone, or with family support and/or with professional caregivers. The physician's role includes: • Management of medical problems • Identification of home care needs of the patient • Establishment/approval of a plan of treatment with identification of both short and long term goals • Evaluation of new, acute or emergent medical problems based on information supplied by other team members • Provision for continuity of care to and from all settings (institution, home and community) • Communication with the patient and other team members and with physician consultants • Support for other team members • Participation, as needed, in home care/family conferences • Reassessments of care plan, outcomes of care • Documentation in appropriate medical records • Timely completion of paperwork • Provisions for 24-hour-on-call coverage by a physician • Confidentiality of communication between the physician and the MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. staff Note: Adapted from the Guidelines for the Medical Management of the Home Care Patient - American Medical Association