Policy Manual sample
MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 207 ADVERSE DRUG REACTION REPORTING PURPOSE: • To promote patient safety through a standardized process for managing and reporting actual or potential adverse drug reactions and medication sentinel events. • To educate MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. staff, including contracted personnel, about adverse drug reactions. • To respond appropriately to actual or potential adverse drug reactions. • To identify, track and measure trends and institute corrective actions designed to improve patient outcomes by minimizing the potential for adverse drug reactions. POLICY: • Adverse drug reactions are documented and reported in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. documents any potential or actual adverse medication reactions, reviews the reports and institutes a plan of correction/action plan in response to the reports. • Potential or actual adverse reactions to medications may be identified through: • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. personnel reports • Patient/family/caregiver reports • Concurrent or retrospective medical record audits DEFINITION: An adverse drug reaction is any drug effect other than that which is therapeutically intended at doses used in humans for prophylaxis or therapy. The reaction may be expected and benign, or unexpected and potentially harmful. PROCEDURE: • In the event of a possible or actual adverse reaction to a medication while in the patient’s place of residence, the Registered Nurse is to: • Notify the physician immediately for orders. • Implement the anaphylaxis protocol, if ordered.
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