Policy Manual sample
MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 218 • Parenteral nutrition • Blood derivatives • Intravenous solutions (plain, with electrolytes and/or other drugs) • Any product designated by the FDA as a drug • The Performance Improvement Committee will maintain oversight for the Medication Management Assessment and Evaluation Program. The program is based on the principles of performance improvement, with a focus on identification and measurement of processes and activities that are high-volume, high-risk, problem-prone and patient safety related. The program includes data collection and measurement of medication management processes, identification of opportunities or areas of improvements, the testing of incremental improvements and the recommendation of improvements to the organization's leaders. • The following essential processes will be conducted to adequately assess and evaluate how medication is managed throughout the organization. • Process Design • Performance Measurement • Performance Assessment • Performance Improvement • The Performance Improvement Director/Risk Manager is responsible for reporting medication management processes to the Performance Improvement Committee, whose members in turn are responsible for assessing, monitoring and evaluating the processes and outcomes of the medication management throughout the organization. PROCEDURE: • The Performance Improvement Committee will collaborate with other designated members of the organization, to develop, implement and evaluate the organizationwide Medication Management Assessment and Evaluation Program. As appropriate to the setting, individuals involved in the system of medication management include licensed independent practitioners, healthcare professionals and staff involved in medication management processes. • Assessment and Evaluation Process: • The following core medication management processes carried out by the organization are measured, assessed and evaluated:
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