Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 223 MEDICATIONS - PATIENT SELF ADMINISTRATION PURPOSE: • To promote the safe and accurate self administration of medications by the patient/ family/caregiver, thereby promoting positive patient outcomes. • To uphold the patient’s right to receive information about and to participate in, whenever appropriate, the decision-making process regarding his/her care, treatment and/or services. POLICY: • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. personnel involved in the patient’s medication management instruct the patient/family/caregiver in medication administration. • The patient/family/caregiver is assessed for his/her ability to learn the information. • MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. patient/family/caregiver receives information about the patient’s medication regimen in an understandable language and format. PROCEDURE: • The skilled nurse/therapist assesses and determines the patient’s/family’s/caregiver’s ability to learn the medication regimen safely and accurately, based on the patient’s needs and patient’s/family’s/caregiver’s cognitive and learning abilities, taking into consideration cultural and ethnic factors. This determination is documented in the medical record throughout the course of service from MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. • The patient’s/family’s/caregiver’s current level of knowledge about the medication regimen is assessed and documented in the medical record. • The skilled nurse/therapist will instruct the patient/family/caregiver in an understandable format and language about the following: • The name(s) and classifications of medications ordered (i.e., the reason why the medications have been ordered). • The manner in which to administer the medications, including appropriate frequency, dosage and route of administration. • The expected actions and side effects of the medications to be administered. • Special instructions about the medication administration, i.e., to take with/without food, to remain sitting for 30 minutes after ingestion of the medication, to crush or not crush tablets, monitor the patient’s pulse before administration.