Policy Manual sample

MDT Home Health Care Agency, Inc. 229 AIDS/HIV POSITIVE GUIDELINES PRECAUTIONS: All healthcare workers shall treat body secretions from ANY patient as potentially infectious and wear gloves when in contact with blood, body fluids or mucous membranes. Protective clothing shall be used when direct contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated. Precaution against needle sticks, the following of decontamination procedures, and proper handling of laboratory specimens is essential for all patients regardless of HIV infection. PATIENT CARE POLICIES: • Use Standard Precautions on all patients. • Patients with AIDS need not be isolated unless infected with an opportunistic organism. Treat as per Agency policy for the specific organism. • Patients with AIDS being transported do not require special precautions unless a secondary respiratory infection is present. In such cases, a mask shall be worn by the patient when being transported. • Refusal to Provide Care: • If any employee refuses to perform his/her duties in providing care for the AIDS patient, he/she will be reassigned if possible. The Medical Director or Director of Patient Care Services will be asked to inservice the employee on AIDS and the HIV virus. If repeated episodes of refusing to care for a specific patient arises, disciplinary action will be taken. • Employees with AIDS: • Agency employees who are HIV positive do not need to be barred from giving direct patient care. Any caregiver who has acute diarrhea, exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis shall not work with patients in any situation.