QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
• Remote patient monitoring • Immigration • Culture of Quality •As our agency strives to improve quality outcomes while decreasing costs, be cognizant of how our projects fall in line with the Institute of Medicare’s aims for improving healthcare in the U.S. The IOM (Institute of Medicine, “About”) describes these as 1. Safe: Avoid patient injury from care intended to help. 2. Effective: Provide evidence-based services to all who can benefit; refrain from those not likely to benefit. 3. Patient-centered: Respect and respond to patient preferences, needs, values, and have patient values guide all clinical decisions. 4. Timely: Reduce waiting and harmful delays for those receiving and giving care. 5. Efficient: Avoid waste of equipment, supplies, ideas and energy. 6. Equitable: Provide same care quality to all. » Reducing Acute Care Hospitalization (ACH) Intentional strategies used by the top ten percent of agencies who were most successful at reducing ACH and percent of agencies using the strategy. Acute care hospitalization rates are posted on CMS Home Health Compare website quarterly. 1. 66% Fall Prevention 2. 64% Front Loading of visits 3. 61% Management culture and support 4. 59% 24 hr Availability/Response 5. 59% Medication Management 6. 52% Case Management 7. 48% Patient/caregiver education 8. 47% Special support services 9. 38% Disease management 10. 37% Physician relationships 11. 36% Data driven strategies 12. 33% Safety and risk assessment 13. 20% Hospital relationship with discharge planning staff 14. 8% Hospital relationship with emergency room staff 15. 8% Telehealth »OASIS Outcomes and Clinician Assessment Accuracy Three factors affect OASIS outcomes: 1. Clinician accuracy in obtaining and documenting patient responses 2. Care delivery 3. Natural progression of patient’s condition It’s imperative that home health clinicians who complete the OASIS instrument be knowledgeable of the definition for all OASIS assessment items. Agencies must insure that clinicians know how to accurately obtain patient responses to the OASIS instrument, according to OASIS guidance found in the CMS OASIS User’s Manual. Definitions and instructions for accurate assessment are located in Chapter 8 of the manual. The manual is available for download. » OASIS Accuracy and Reducing Acute Care Hospitalization There are two OASIS items that affect the agency’s acute care hospitalization rate. 1. OASIS Item M0100: Reason for assessment, Item #6 and Item #7 100
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