QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
wound treatment. 6. *Note: Moist wound care treatment include dressing such as hydrocolloids, foam, hydrofyber, silver, etc. designed to keep the wound bed moist and undisturbed for days at a time. Real direct costs include: • Price of the dressing • Other supplies and services, such as globves, tape, biohazard waste containers, and disposal • Labor cost to change the dressing (include mileage, visit costs) • Compare findings for each physician, wound clinic, other referral source. 7. Prepare bar graphs of findings. 8. Determine how findings of each physician’s wound treatment are affecting agency quality outcomes and costs. 9. Established a wound products formulary with minimal choices for staff providing wound care. 10. Use wound product vendors to provide staff and physician education, and wound care tools. 11. Visit each physician and demonstrate how his/her wound treatment (quality and cost) compares with others. 12. Discuss positive and negatives. 13. Be prepared to offer a solution that includes the use of evidence-based moist wound treatment. »Forming Alliances with Wound Care Vendors Wound care vendors are rich with resources for their customers. Ask about: • Evidence-based protocols • Product selection guides • Scientific research for physicians • Staff education assistance • Patient teaching materials • Wound measurement tools • Staging guides • Guidance with a wound prevalence study Wound product vendors typically assist in the development of the agency’s wound product formulary. Establishing a product formulary helps to keep cost down and narrows the selection for users, making it easier to identify the most appropriate product according to patient need. » Wound Prevalence Study A wound prevalence study includes a chart review of all patients with primary and secondary diagnoses of wound. To determine wound prevalence in the agency’s patient population. »Health Coaching to Patient Sel-Management of Chronic Conditions Health coaching health care providers a framework by which they can determine the issues, beliefs, and concerns that may hinder or support a person’s lifestyle change or responsibility for health that lies ahead for the individual. The reason for health behavior change comes from the patient, which increases the likelihood that ambivalence toward the change will be replaced with readiness for change. Health coaching replaces the traditional “Do as I say, because I have the answer for you” model of care and allows the patient to discover why he/she has any existing ambivalence to change. Coaching provides motivation, encouragement, and health education in an atmosphere where 106
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