QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
manual to automated processes. This is a common reason why technology implementations often do not go as well as intended. 11. Determine your return on investment prior to purchase. 12. Consider risk management issues. Read contract carefully. Ask questions. Know whose responsibility it is to respond when equipment fails, when alert are sent out, and in what timeframe the response is expected. » Telephone Nursing and Teletriage Patients with chronic conditions call most frequently: 1. for the coordination of care and visits. 2. to maintain continuity of care. 3. to seek clarification from a physician or clinic visit. 4. to ask questions. Other patients of all ages use the service most often to: 1. avoid calling the doctor’s office. 2. ask about a prescription. 3. seek reassurance. 4. get advice about symptoms. 5. ask whether to seek care provide self-care. To promote patient satisfaction with telephone triage, consider the following issues that patients said were most important to them: 1. Timeliness of returned call 2. Timeliness of answered call 3. Identification and title of caller 4. Pleasant greeting 5. Value patient’s input 6. Convenience and time-saver 7. Accurate information 8. Want to avoid clinic or doctor’s office visits 9. Speak directly with nurse when call is placed 10. Call answered quickly by “real” person » Outcome-Based Marketing Strategies In an outcome-based healthcare environment, marketing efforts can best be realized when outcomes are the focus of getting and maintaining business relationships. In these strategies, healthcare outcomes become the primary reason the relationship is sustained. 1. Determine the outcomes that are of value to your referral source. Discuss how a joint approach through home health can improve these outcomes. 2. Focus on outcomes data relative to agency’s special care/treatment/services. 3. Provide one intake access number. 4. Provide referral sources with a customized, simple referral fax form. 5. Develop joint educational programs. 6. Provide community outreach services and programs. 7. Ask to participate periodically in hospital committee work relative to home care. 8. Use competitor’s Home Health Compare Data in comparison charts. 9. Network with physicians around office hours, i.e., special receptions, programs, lunch n’ learn opportunities. 10. Share plans to improve outcomes of like interest. 11. Collaborate with hospitals to assist in decreasing their length of stay for CHF and use of 110
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