QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
emergency care. 12. Implement care plan oversight education. » Collaborating with Physicians to Affect Cost and Quality 1. Determine the physicians whose practice patterns you want to influence because of cost or quality outcomes that are less than desired. 2. Determine change that is needed. 3. Conduct a chart audit on a sample of patients by each physician whose patient’s outcomes you desire to improve, compared to a like physician whose desired outcomes are achieved. 4. Review patient outcomes of quality and cost. 5. Determine the cost of care and outcome percentages of care by physician. 6. Compare percentages by physician. 7. Develop graph(s) of findings. 8. Share findings with each physician as appropriate. 9. Use wound vendors to provide evidence-based data, if applicable, in support of a change in wound care practice. 10. Ask physician for a difficult patient to manage to demonstrate staff expertise. 11. Follow-up with physician(s) on a regular basis to keep them informed of progress toward outcomes. » Developing New Alliances to Achieve Quality Outcomes Outcomes can be improved through strategic collaboration of parties who have a a common interest in a particular outcome on a set of outcomes. For example, a home care agency may improve the outcomes of emergent care use by collaborating with local hospital that also shares this same desire. Together they determine how to approach or program to improve this outcome. They measure outcomes and share these findings on periodic basis. This approach is also helpful when initiating a new service. Eight Key Steps 1. Begin a dialogue with a referral source or other customer to identify the outcomes of special interest to them. 2. Establish specific patient populations of mutual interest by identifying particular needs of patient groups, according to volume. 3. Identifying evidence-base practices interventions (EBP) likely to improve identifying outcomes. 4. Identifying existing gaps in the continuity of care between or among providers. 5. Determine if staff education and enhanced competency are needed to prepare your staff to implement interventions. Decide if alliance is best suited/has resources to help train agency staff. 6. Jointly develop patient and physician satisfaction indicators that will be measured. 7. Devise a plan for sharing outcomes and maximizing us of technology for efficient exchange of information. 8. Consider writing as a joint improvement initiative. Use in the accreditation process. » Forming Alliances with Distributors Distributors are generally wholesalers who act as intermediaries, and who sell or deliver products and supplies on behalf of the manufacturer to the retailer. Look beyond cost of the product and consider the total benefits of working with a distributor. » Networking to Grow your Business »Outcome-based healthcare environment is best served by networking with referral sources and 111
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