QAPI Program Utilization_Manual

SUMMARY OF BILLING AUDITS/REVIEW Year: Summary of Quarter: 9 I: Jan-Mar 9 II: Apr-Jun 9 III: Jul-Sep 9 IV: Oct-Dec a. # of patients admitted this quarter: ________ b. # of files reviewed for RAP-billing readiness, approved by QA Dpt: ________ c. # of files with an issue preventing timely RAP billing: ________ * d. # of files reviewed for final-billing readiness, approved by QA Dpt: ________ e. # of files with an issue preventing timely final billing: ________ * Review and document specific billing issues for any area marked with an asterisk (*) Patient number Billing issue Patient number Billing issue Summary prepared by: ______________________________________ Date:________________ Administrator’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________ 121