QAPI Program Utilization_Manual

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ASPECT OF CARE, INDICATOR, THRESHOLD Aspect Employee Injuries, Accidents Indicator Staff providing services are performing care and procedures safely within orders, place limitations whether: 1. Staff have been instructed on prevention of Safety Management Program, including: • Safety Rules • Fire Prevention • Safety at Home for home care personnel • Security • Driving Safety • Self Defense • Accident Exposure 2. Staff are able to reach the Agency when they need to report any accident 3. Any referral for staff care is completed when needed. 4. Accident Log are up to date. Threshold 100% of Accidents, Injuries Sample Random a minimum of 90% of quarterly accidents, injuries Methodology Monthly staff accident, injury incident is investigated, solution plan to prevent further accident is established. Responsibility Results will be submitted to the Director of Nursing, Clinical Manager or his/her designee whose responsibility it shall be to channel any identified problems to the appropriate staff for resolution and follow-up. Re-evaluation: next quarter Plan if finding fail to meet acceptable standards: In-service to staff, Plan to Prevent further accidents, injuries is implemented. 124