QAPI Program Utilization_Manual

IMPROVEMENT QUALITY CONTROL, PATIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY EVALUATION Our Agency survey instrument report data using Problem/Positive Scores. A Problem/Positive Score identifies the percentage of respondents that view an area of care or service as a problem. By asking patient's behaviorally based questions and assessing whether the desired behavior occurred or not, care providers are better able to determine where problems exist. Furthermore, because the questions are service/care based, our organization can better determine what actions to take to improve patient satisfaction. How is a Problem/Positive Score determined? The calculation of Problem/Positive Scores is based upon summing responses to survey items based upon response categories where each response category is identified as a problem or not a problem response (% answer rate). The % illustrate what responses are considered problem responses and used in the calculation of Problem Scores. How is the Problem/Positive Score calculated? Problem/Positive Scores are calculated by creating a fraction based upon the total number of responses (this number is placed in the denominator) and the total number of responses that constitute a problem response (this number is placed in the numerator). By dividing the total number of responses into the total number of problem responses a percentage is determined that reflects the Problem/Positive Score. Missing values are excluded from this calculation. Only questions that have been designated as a "problem" question ( Sometimes or Never answers ), will generate any data. All other answers will not generate data. 16