QAPI Program Utilization_Manual

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ASPECTS OF CARE, INDICATOR, THRESHOLD Aspect Agency Policies are followed in furnished Services Indicator All field staff professional and para-professional services are following Agency’s Policy and Procedures when furnishing services to our Client/Patients. Threshold 90% will met Agency’s required documentation when furnished services Sample 90-100% of patients records Data Source Clinical records, progress notes, assessments, admissions records, discharge documentation Methodology Chart review on a quarterly basis or more frequently basis if necessary Responsibility Results will be submitted to the Director of Nursing, Clinical Manager or designee whose responsibility will be to channel any identified problems to the appropriate staff for resolution and follow-up. The Director of Nursing, Clinical Manager or designee will be responsible to share any critical items/comments with the appropriate personnel for consideration. Re-evaluation: next quarter Plan if finding fail to meet acceptable standards: In-service to staff 20