QAPI Program Utilization_Manual
5. Once the data has been locked only specific personnel with specially granted privileges may change any data. PRE-TRANSMISSION VALIDATIONS 1. The QI Coordinator, or designee, will run an OASIS Validation report prior to submitting any OASIS data to the State. 2. Records with Fatal Errors will be investigated and resolved, when possible, prior to submission. 3. Records with other error messages will be investigated and corrected, when possible, prior to transmission. 4. Individual OASIS files may be put on hold until they can be corrected. TRANSMISSION OF OASIS DATA 1. OASIS data will be transmission ready within 7 days of the assessment date (MO090). This means the data will be locked and encoded. 2. OASIS data be submitted to the State no later than the month following the month the assessment was locked. (Example: June assessments will be transmitted no later than July 31 st ). 3. The Agency’s software will export the OASIS data to a transmission-ready file. 4. The QI Coordinator, or designee, will use the OASIS Export window to export OASIS data to the State. 5. The Agency’s software will create and name a file of the selected OASIS data on a network drive. 6. Via the AT & T dialer the QI Coordinator, or designee, will access the secure State web site and submit the file. 7. The State OASIS system will validate the submission file while the agency remains on the line. 8. If the file was rejected, the appropriate corrections will be made and the file will be resubmitted. 9. Once a file is accepted, the State systemwill check the file for further errorsor exceptions and generate a Final Validation Report within 48 hours. CORRECTING OASIS DATA AFTER SUBMISSION TO THE STATE 1. The QI Coordinator or designee will download the Final Validation Report from the State web site. 2. Any error and/warning messages will be investigated and the individual OASIS file will be corrected. 3. Key fields require special handling when making corrections after submission. The following are considered key fields: a. MO040 Last Name; b. MO 040 First Name; c. MO064 Social Security Number; d. MO066 Date of Birth; e. MO69 Gender; f. HHA ID #; g. MO100 Reason for Assessment (RFA); h. MO090 Information Completion Date (When RFA is 04 Recertification or 05 Significant Change in Condition); i. MO030 Start of Care Date (When RFA is 01 Start of Care); 33
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